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  首页 > 往期预览 > 2021-01   第1页 【共1页】


2021年第1期 ( 2021年1月10日出版 )

机械研究与分析 / Mechanical Research and Analysis

1 基于三维空间机构的教学用拆装实验装置设计…………………■ 徐英帅 万智辉 黄伟莉 等
Design of Disassembly and Assembly Experiment Device for Teaching Based on 3D Spatial Mechanism
4 电力推进船舶轴系冲击响应分析…………………………………■ 牛雨生 董良雄 杨明宇 等
Impact Response Analysis of Electric Propulsion Ship Shafting
7 核电站巡检应急履带机器人越障分析……………………………………■ 李彰 朱性利 吴学洲
Analysis on Obstacle Overcoming of Emergency Tracked Robot in Nuclear Power Plant
12 一种自动攻丝试验机的设计研发………………………………………………■ 傅梦婷 李湘生
Design and Development of an Automatic Tapping Test Machine
16 回转减速机空行程的检测和改进…………………………………………………………■ 黄春有
Detection and Improvement of Swinging Reducer Idle Stroke
19 口罩机齿辊的加工仿真与实现……………………………………………■ 祁迹 黄小峰 邝锦祥
Machining Simulation and Realization of Tooth Roll in Mask Machine
21 振动式林果采收技术的研究现状…………………………………………………………■ 陈泽斌
Research Status of Vibrating Fruit Harvesting Technology
25 六自由度机器人运动学分析……………………………………………………■ 殷固密 王建生
Kinematics Analysis of 6-DOF Robot
29 VRML技术在CATIA二次开发中的应用…………………………………………■ 王亚刚 徐万红
Application of VRML Technology in the Secondary Development of CATIA
31 跨音速压气机转子叶尖间隙流场特性研究………………………………■ 刘海旭 冯永志 任利
Effect of Tip Clearance Flow on Aerodynamic Performance of Transonic Compressor Rotor
34 考虑机床结合面的立式加工中心动态特性分析…………………■ 吕超超 王瑞超 周俊荣 等
Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Vertical Machining Center considering Machine Tool Joint Surface
38 锥齿轮力学性能研究………………………………………………………………■ 王栋 李宝良
Study on Mechanical Properties of Bevel Gear
43 车内酒精浓度检测与安全控制系统………………………………………………………■ 曾丽霞
In-car Alcohol Concentration Detection and Safety Control System

机械设计与计算 / Mechanical Design and Calculation

46 一种便携式多功能小型充电装置的电路设计……………………………………………■ 赵艳新
Circuit Design of a Portable Multifunctional Small Charging Device
49 镁合金大塑性变形轧制技术研究进展………………………………………■ 胡冬 梅静 文仁兴
Research Progress of Magnesium Alloy Severe Plastic Deformation Rolling Technology
51 基于Protcol Buffer的数控程序管理系统研究…………………………■ 刘强 郭东亮 赵怡 等
Research on NC Code Management System Based on Protcol Buffer
54 电动钻机系统设备信息识别系统设计………………………………■ 史金红 李庆福 廖刚 等
Design of Equipment Information Recognition System for Electric Drill System
56 基于拓展杠杆法的8速行星齿轮机构的设计………………………………………………■ 文强
Design of 8-speed Planetary Gear Mechanism Based on Extended Lever Method
60 基于试验分析的CRH2A动车组电茶炉开关电源常见故障修复方法研究……■ 王化新 李知贤 韩志远 等
Research on the Common Fault Repair Method of Switching Power Supply of Electric Tea Stove in CRH2A EMU Based on Test Analysis
63 地铁用公铁两用车辆铁路走行装置设计与研究……………………………………………■ 张宁
Design and Research on Running Device of Road-Railway Dual-Purpose Vehicle Used for Metro
66 基于ANSYS的前移式叉车门架小车优化设计……………………………………………■ 郑尚敏
Optimization Design of Reach Truck of Mast Support Based on ANSYS
69 电动钻机动力系统冗余设计………………………………………■ 李庆福 史金红 周发学 等
Redundancy Design of Power System for Electric Drilling Rig
71 涂层技术替代耐蚀合金接箍镀铜的可行性研究与实现……………■ 骆敬辉 陈玉鹏 王旭 等
Feasibility Study and Implementation of Coating Technology Instead of Copper Plating
on Anti-Corrosion Alloy Coupling
74 脱重真空塔填料硫化亚铁自燃案例及控制方法…………………………■ 刘家懿 范旺军 竺宁
Case and Control Method of Ferrous Sulfide Autoignition in De-heavy Vacuum Tower
76 一种舰载伺服稳定平台的结构设计………………………………………………■ 毛雨辉 张进
Structural Design of a Shipborne Servo-stabilized Platform
78 加工中心加工垂直度工作精度的误差分析…………………………………■ 丁岩 李海 郝小忠
Error Analysis on the Working Accuracy of Machining Center’s Verticality
81 低温钻机轮轨移运装置应用现状及技术分析………………………■ 王文超 侯敏 郭晓虎 等
Application Status of Wheel-track Transportation Device for Low-temperature Drilling Rig
85 宏程序指令在非圆曲线数控加工中的应用………………………………………■ 曹阳 刘心宇
Application of Macro Program Instruction in NC Machining of Non-circular Curve
88 激光钻井技术进展及其关键技术……………………………………■ 闫静 王德贵 左永强 等
Development Status and Key Technologies of Laser Drilling Technology
91 工厂空气净化装置的设计与研究………………………………………■ 林钟卫 王琴 罗准 等
Design and Research of Factory Air Purification Equipment
94 基于ARIZ理论微型螺钉取放卡位的创新设计……………………■ 钟庭进 罗梓欣 胡双飞 等
Innovation Designs for Pick-up and Placement of Microscrew Based on ARIZ Theory
97 一种六轮机构通过梯形障碍物的振动分析…………………………………………………■ 吴楠
Vibration Analysis of a Six-wheel Mechanism Passing through a Trapezoidal Obstacle
100 卷扬减速机卷筒止口同轴度检测装置设计………………………………………………■ 张二莉
Design of the Measuring Device for the Coaxiality of the Winding Drum of the Hoist Reducer
102 车辆门系统的单向逆止离合锁闭机构……………………………■ 王际成 林会明 张海国 等
One-way Backstop Clutch Locking Mechanism of Vehicle Door System
105 液压油缸产品的成组化设计与制造………………………………………………………■ 石国玲
Group Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic Cylinder Products
107 双向大跨距平移海洋修井机配管系统技术研究…………………■ 郭小艳 武卫卫 蒋合艳 等
Research on Piping System of Bi-directional and Long-span Translation of Offshore Workover Rig
109 黄山西海大峡谷观光缆车液压制动系统安全性分析……………………………………■ 刘争辉
Safety Analysis of Hydraulic Braking System for Sightseeing Cable Car in Xihai Grand Canyon of Huangshan Mountain
113 一种防止阀门自关闭锁定装置的研究设计……………………………■ 顾祥武 汤驰 栾俊 等
Research and Design of a Locking Device to Prevent the Valve from Closing
115 适用于严苛环境的储能变流器散热方案研究……………………■ 周力民 张海龙 刘博嘉 等
Study on Heat Dissipation of PCS Suitable for Harsh Environment
119 车辆质心位置测量方法研究………………………………………■ 崔爱莲 关士成 凌山珊 等
Research on Measurement Method of a Vehicle Centre-of-mass Position
122 推靠式垂直钻井工具机械系统关键技术分析………………………■ 惠坤亮 吴小雄 游娜 等
Key Technologies Analysis on Mechanical System of Push-the-bit Vertical Drilling Tool
125 工程机械液压系统容积调速回路分析…………………………………………………■ 徐成东
Volume Speed Regulation Circuit Analysis for Hydraulic System of a Construction Machinery
132 基于某风电机组运输工装螺栓有限元建模方法的对比分析…………■ 邵振威 李有亮 赵春雨
Comparative Analysis Based on the Finite Element Modeling Method of a Wind Turbine Transportation Tool Bolt
143 冲压空气涡轮舱门联动机构动力学仿真及优化…………………………■ 杜鑫 卢岳良 陈建伟
Dynamics Simulation and Optimization of Door Linkage Mechanism of Ram Air Turbine

机械维修与诊断 / Mechanical Academic Communication

149 某汽轮机振动大及低压内缸裂纹原因分析与处理…………………■ 黄建强 朱熹 彭金龙 等
Cause Analysis and Treatment of Cracks in the Inner Casing of a Steam Turbine with High Vibration and Low Pressure
154 某型飞机座舱盖操纵作动筒损伤分析及应对……………………■ 皮月亮 祖挥程 李永彬 等
Damage Analysis and Countermeasures of a Certain Aircraft Canopy Operating Actuator Cylinder

机械制造与应用 / Mechanical Manufacture and Application

127 汽车软工装试制及夹具的开发………………………………………………………………■ 李达
Development of Automobile Soft Tooling Trial Production and Fixture
130 基于车螺纹原理卷制螺旋弹簧………………………………………………………………■ 赵云
Coil Spring Based on the Principle of Thread Turning
135 风电齿轮螺旋角修形方式的探讨……………………………………■ 王明镜 王炯 曹荣青 等
Discussion on the Helical Angle Modification Method for Wind Power Gear
137 高硬度花键滚铣复合加工方法研究…………………………………■ 束长林 王炯 王明镜 等
Research on Hobbing and Milling Compound Machining Method of High Hardness Spline
140 轧制极薄材料的Cr5型锻钢工作辊及其制备方法的研发……………■ 王德山 陈铭宏 陈尤旭
Preparation Method Research and Development of Cr5 Forged Steel Work Roll for Rolling Very Thin Material
146 某异形钩子零件快速加工工艺研究………………………………■ 邓文星 宋燕林 闫佳佳 等
Research on Rapid Processing Technology of a Specially-shaped Hook
151 汽车车身快速试制与质量改进………………………………………………………………■ 宁燕
Rapid Trial Manufacture and Quality Improvement of Automobile Body

本期导读 (2021-11) 更多>>

1 重载无人机弧齿锥齿轮动力学分析…马源辰 郑鹏
Dynamics Analysis on Spiral Bevel Gear of Heavy-duty Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
4 优化神经网络算法在航空发动机故障诊断中的应用研究…丁发军 刘义平 孙琪 等
Analysis on the Application of Optimal Neural Network Algorithm in Aero-engine Fault Diagnosis
8 一种浮动自适应工装在喷丸强化工艺上的应用…舒晓君 苗奎 徐红彦
Application of a Floating Self-adaptive Tooling in Shot Peening Process
10 OBE导向的工科专业基础课混合式教学模式研究…张秀珩 巴鹏
Research on OBE-Oriented Mixed Teaching Mode of Engineering Special Basic Courses
13 基于图像的铸造缺陷类型识别…刘晶
Type Identification of Casting Defects Based on Image
16 考虑联轴器不对中的双转子动力响应分析…孙传宗 刘博阳 单光坤 等
Dynamic Response Analysis of Double Rotors Considering Misalignment of Coupling
19 基于Mastercam软件的口罩机熔接齿模工艺分析及******数控加工…林冰香
Process Analysis and High Efficiency NC Machining of Welding Die for Mask Machine Based on MasterCAM
22 仪器制造技术中两种修配装配法的解析与对比…杨小辉 刘同义 许同乐
Analysis and Comparison of Two Repairing Methods in Instrument Manufacturing Technology
24 一种新型海面垃圾回收装置设计…彭泽霖 顾世明 王帅军 等
Design on a New Type of Sea Garbage Collection Device
28 基于EEMD-PCA-LSTM滚动轴承故障识别与分类方法的研究…杨淑洁 周杨
Research on Rolling Bearing Fault Identification and Classification Based on EEMD-PCA-LSTM
34 均热板相变传热仿真分析…高羡明 郑毅 张功学 等
Simulation Analysis of Phase Change Heat Transfer of Vapor Chamber
37 轴流引风机叶轮压盖螺栓断裂分析…彭鹏 李国庆
Fracture Analysis on Impeller Gland Bolt of Axial Flow Induced Draft Fan
40 基于去除冲击信号趋势项修正中低频冲击谱方法研究…田聪 张明远
Research on the Method of Revising Mid-low Frequency Shock Spectrum Based on Removing Shock Signal Trend Item
44 B-C五轴加工中心拓扑结构运动轴误差传递链建模…张银虎 杨庆东 王增新
Modeling Method of Kinematic Axis Error Transfer Chain for Topological Structure of B-C Five Axis Machining Center
48 强磁场诱导镁合金表面羟基磷灰石涂层的生长及性能研究…王艳娇 盛倩 于晴 等
High Magnetic Field Induced Growth and Properties of Hydroxyapatite Coating on Magnesium Alloy Surface
52 粉末微注射成形微反应器的显微组织和磨损性能研究…郑宏雪 张晨蕊 郭志刚 等
Microstructure Evolution and Wear Behavior of Micro-reactor by Powder Injection Molding
55 SiO2/HDPE复合材料切削仿真与试验研究…史贺飞 于保军 贾志远 等
Simulation and Experimental Research on Cutting of SiO2/HDPE Composite
58 基于模糊滑模控制的双路阀控液压马达同步控制研究…杨皓琦 苏东海 胡懿宸 等
Research on Synchronous Control of Two-way Valve-controlled Hydraulic Motor Based on Fuzzy
Sliding Mode Control
61 基于ABAQUS有限元仿真的L型材滚弯成型过程分析…王涵
Analysis of L-profile Roll Bending Process Based on ABAQUS Finite Element Simulation
64 新型变径管道机器人的设计…常生 刘玉良 王忠超
Design of New Type Variable Diameter Pipeline Robot
66 高精度化学腐蚀工艺在复杂环境下对金属切割的研究…苏志伟 黄仁忠 汪成林 等
Study on High Precision Chemical Etching Process for Metal Cutting under Complex Environment
69 基于AMEsim角位置液压闭环控制系统研究…赵吉蛟 王野牧
Research on Hydraulic Closed-loop Control System Based on AMESim Angular Position
71 列车RS-485总线组网应用的可靠性设计分析…侯春阳
Reliability Design of RS-485 Interface Circuit
75 基于单神经元PID的风力发电机机舱轮毂专用吊具电液伺服系统控制研究
…孙宇峰 苏东海 杨皓琦 等
Research on Electro-hydraulic Servo System Control of Special Spreader for Wind Turbine Nacelle Hub Based on Single Neuron PID
77 基于ABB机器人点焊系统中集成伺服焊钳的应用实现方法…安同
Application of Integrated Servo Welding Gun in Spot Welding System Based on ABB Robot
80 金属管棒材飞剪机构动力学分析及结构优化…张欢
Dynamic Analysis and Structural Optimization of Flying Shear Mechanism for Metal Tubes and Bars
84 基于线结构光传感器的汽车后横梁前板尺寸测量…杨金祥 章海 陈胜
Front Plate Dimension Measurement of Automobile Rear Cross Beam Based on Line Structured Light Sensor
87 基于多传感器反馈的软体夹持器位置反馈方法…陈晓波 汤健华 江励 等
Position Feedback Method of Soft Gripper Based on Multi-Sensor Feedback
93 防冲板箱型钢结构自动化焊接设备研制…邓克剑 曹杰 武志华 等
Development of Automatic Welding Equipment for Fender Box Steel Structure
96 一种四自由度并联机构及运动学分析…李特奇 周毅钧 陈建鹏
A Four-DOF Parallel Mechanism and Its Kinematics Analysis
100 M310型核主泵专用屏蔽转运桶的设计研究…汪海 孙胜 童明炎 等
Design & Research of M310 Type Nuclear Main Pump Specialized Shield Transport Barrel
103 3D打印微型机器人技术研究…魏天琪 郑雄胜
Research of 3D Printing Technology for Microrobots
109 小吨位一体化游车大钩静载荷试验…高成 叶锐 王雨豪 等
Static Load Test on Hook of Small Tonnage Integral Traveling Block
111 基于直线电动机的3-PSS并联机器人机构设计与仿真分析…朱祺珩 尹凝霞 魏远鹏 等
Mechanism Design and Simulation Analysis of 3-PSS Robot Based on Linear Motors
116 双曲线螺伞齿轮失效分析…李卫民 柳亚输 秦步祥 等
Failure Analysis of Hyperbolic Spiral Bevel Gear
119 无人液体配比实验室…张海国 崔志亮 杨豪 等
Unmanned Liquid Proportioning Laboratory
122 GM-Markov模型在船舶水上交通事故预测中的应用…李政良 杜柏松 刘然 等
Application of GM-Markov Model in Prediction of Marine Traffic Accidents
125 线材类产品冲压成型模具结构比较分析…杜祥雷 梁家劲
Comparison and Analysis on the Structure of Stamping and Forming Die for Wire Products
128 基于ABAQUS的服务器跌落仿真与实验研究…张海龙
Research on Drop Test and Simulation of Server Based on ABAQUS
130 某储能发电机组公共底座设计及分析…陈秋红 李东超 杨延涛 等
Design and Analysis on a Common Base of an Energy Storage Generator set
134 精准服务武汉城市圈,建设智能制造专业群…王中林 高淼 陈帆 等
Building an Intelligent Manufacturing Professional Group for Accurately Serving Wuhan Metropolitan Circle
137 基于核极限学习机的碳化钨涂层砂带磨削表面粗糙度的研究…黄红涛 徐文博 李志胜 等
Research on Surface Roughness of Tungsten Carbide Coating Belt Grinding Based on Kernel Extreme Learning Machine
141 混流式水轮机转轮再造修复技术应用和探索…杨王波 王地召 刘念 等
Application and Exploration of Remanufacturing and Repairing Technology for Francis Turbine Runner
144 机器人拆垛工作站的设计与应用…谢高兰 陈广文 白跃品
Design and Application of Robot Destacking Workstation
146 作动筒内置指形锁结构研究…冯广 张健全 金军
Structural Study on Actuator Inner Finger Lock
149 基于Production Modul 3D数控铣削仿真技术在钛合金主吊挂加工中的应用
…吴东华 邓志刚 张德纯 等
Application of Production Modul 3D Numerical Control Milling Simulation Technology in Titanium Alloy Main Hanger Processing
153 大型船用锻件水冒口冲击功偏差问题研究…辛宇
Study on Impact Power Deviation of large Marine Forgings Riser
156 基于MATLAB的配网带电作业机器人运动学和作业路径仿真分析…孙霄伟 任书楠 徐善军 等
Simulation Analysis of Kinematics and Path Planning for Live Working Robot in Distribution Based on MATLAB
161 贝雷桥建模方法与应力计算研究…徐大伟 马祥新 李莎莎 等
Research on Modeling Method and Stress Calculation of Bailey Bridge
164 一种单通道柔性下料库的设计改进…王晓
Design and Improvement of a Single Channel Flexible feeding storage Device
166 长箱形结构箱体焊接变形控制及研究…于前 吴香清 胡妞
Research on Welding Deformation Control of Rectangular Box
169 基于快速模具技术的刀割分型面法制造工艺研究…肖宏涛 蔡文伙 陈开源
Research on the Manufacturing Technology of Cutting Parting Surface Based on Fast Die Technology

下期预告 (2021-12) 更多>>

1 基于系统工程的试验与评价质量管理体系设计…刘琦
Design of Test and Evaluation Quality Management System Based on System Engineering
5 船用柴油机高压油管加工质量问题分析及解决方法…王学柏
Solutions and Analysis on Processing Quality Problems of Marine Diesel Engine’s High-pressure Oil Pipe
8 基于混合离散粒子群算法的非等同并行机分批调度研究…徐兵 潘沐 赵传宇 等
Research on Batch Scheduling of Non-equivalent Parallel Machines Based on Hybrid Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
11 基于UM的列车纵向动力学仿真分析…陈建海 赵未 朱慧颖
Simulation Analysis of Train Longitudinal Dynamics Based on UM
15 基于PLC控制的应变测量系统…郑壁森 梁焌龙 李子龙 等
Strain Measurement System Based on PLC Control
18 基于遗传算法的轨迹综合撑膜机械手优化设计…陈延伟 张浩 史远鹏 等
Comprehensive Trajectory Optimization Design of Membrane Supporting Manipulator
Based on Genetic Algorithm
21 某船用发动机曲轴模态分析…郭华礼
Modal and Fatigue Analysis of Marine Engine Crankshaft
24 工程车辆前桥疲劳试验早期开裂分析…张俊花 戴斌丽 贾爽 等
Early Fracture Analysis of Fatigue Test for Engineering Vehicle Front Axle
27 基于时差法的三维超声波测风传感器设计…文桂伏 郭子靖 沈洪奇
Design of 3D Ultrasonic Wind Measurement System Based on TDC-GP22
30 巡检机器人新型剪式自动伸缩机构的设计研究…居银刚 郑再象 方剑宇 等
Design and Research of New Scissor-type Automatic Telescopic Mechanism for Inspection Robot
33 自解耦二维微位移平台设计与分析…张玉嘉 张剑
Design and Analysis of Self-decoupling 2-DOF Micro-displacement Platform
36 一种开口可调的无痕V形折弯凹模…林安洁 章盼梅 卢和宇 等
A Non-mark V-shaped Bending Die with Adjustable Opening
38 基于PLC的智能风淋室控制程序的设计…林冬玉 姚其广 高庆展 等
Design of Intelligent Air Shower Control Program Based on PLC
41 RV减速器传动性能分析…何依林 郑鹏
Transmission Performance Analysis of RV Reducer
44 气相压力对双介质喷嘴雾化效果的影响…吴启东 赵迪飞 解静 等
Effect of Gas Phase Pressure on Atomization Effect of Dual Medium Nozzle
46 JU2000E钻井平台主机冷却系统分析与改进…袁振 靳从升 孟庆树
Analysis and Improvement of JU2000E Rig Main Engine Cooling System
49 基于结构胶拓扑优化的车身扭转刚度设计…卢元燕 郏超 原孝菊
Torsional Stiffness Design of Car Body Based on Topology Optimization of Structural Adhesive
51 基于正交试验的液晶屏老化炉优化设计…孙家圆 倪俊芳 杨波
Optimization Design of LCD Aging Furnace Based on Orthogonal Experiments
54 深井钻机井架及底座系统灵敏度分析…祝克强 王树森
Deep Well Drilling Rig Derrick and Base System Sensitivity Analysis
57 投入式超声波泥位测量系统开发…马彦亮 张从鹏 郭子靖 等
Development of Throw-in Type Ultrasonic Mud Level Measurement System
60 CAP1400屏蔽主泵安装小车研制…涂凌志 刘光虎
Development of CAP1400 Canned Reactor Coolant Pump Installation Trolley
63 某型飞机液压锁油液微量泄漏故障分析…严山钦 郭辉 李薇 等
Failure Analysis on a Certain Type of Aircraft Hydraulic Lock Oil Micro-leakage
65 用于全自动生化分析仪的分光器结构设计…温英利 贾平平 王波 等
Structural Design of Spectroscope for Automatic Biochemical Analyzer
68 机械制造企业零件信息追溯系统改进建议…田大肥 闫建伟 侯猛
Suggestions on Improvement of Parts Information Traceability System in Machinery Manufacturing Enterprises
70 基于AutoForm的前罩锁销加强件有限元仿真分析…黄好 岳陆游
Finite Element Simulation Analysis of Front Cover Lock Pin Reinforcement Based on AutoForm
73 基于机器视觉的齿轮重合度实验台设计…贺建行 王荣先 巢佳乐 等
Design of Gear Contact Ratio Experimental Device Based on Machine Vision
75 某款发动机减震皮带轮螺栓组件松脱问题解析…胡广 陈丽霞 乔彦超
Loosening Problem Analysis on a Bolt Assembly of a Certain Engine Vibration Damping Pulley
78 缩短水射流实验调压时间的改进方法…刘辉 李国 黄晶 等
An Improved Method to Shorten Pressure Adjusting Time in Water Jet Experiment
82 关于三坐标测量机基础扫描功能在工件内嵌复杂曲面测量的应用…刘心宇 曹阳 刘广东 等
Application of CMM Basic Scanning Function in Embedded Complex Surface Measurement
85 摩擦离合器寿命计算分析…杨红图 杨长盛 高鹏
Calculation and Analysis on the Service Life of Friction Clutch
87 液压猫头载荷试验方案改进的研究…李晨 高成 彭辉 等
Study on Improvement of Hydraulic Cathead Load Test Plan
89 一种用于悬挂式单轨列车的牵枕缓结构…李铮
A Draft, Bolster and Buffer Assembly for Suspended Monorail Train
92 基于影响线法的铁路桥梁载荷计算…张保福 张学超 李烽 等
Load Calculation of Railway Bridge Based on Influence Line Method
95 基于MATLAB与CATIA的渐开线斜齿轮******快速建模方法研究…葛德 徐飞 林勇
Research on Accuracy and Quicken Digital Modeling of Involute Helical Gear Based on MATLAB and CATIA
98 修正摆线端面钟表齿轮的参数化设计…赵战峰 潘朝 余尚行
Parametric Design of Modified Cycloid Face Clock Gear
100 超高层酒店机电工程声学与噪声控制措施…周登登 施骞
Acoustics and Noise Control Measurements for Electromechanical Engineering of Super High-rise Hotel
103 新型电动高压黄油加注机的设计与研究…孙国来
Design and Research of New Type Electric High-pressure Grease Filling Machine
105 超超临界机组再热蒸汽温度对中压内缸气密性影响的研究…陈铁宁 黄建强 尹华劼 等
Influence Research on the Reheated Steam Temperature of Ultra Supercritical Unit on the Steam Tightness of IP Inner Casing
108 树脂混凝土机床铸件滑台结构设计及性能分析…周志勇 王增 王德伦 等
Structural Design and Performance Simulation Analysis of Resin Concrete Machine Tool Sliding Table
111 公铁两用工程车锁桥装置的型式与设计…董雯霞
Structure and Design of Rail-road Engineering Truck Locking-axle Device
114 基于仿真三维动画技术的自动化钻机管柱处理系统运动分析…王兰 张志伟 张利贤 等
Motion Analysis of Pipe String Handling System for Automatic Drilling Machine Based on Simulation 3D Animation Technology
117 新型火箭总装人员绩效评价管理系统设计…赵鸿飞 李戊辰 徐寅 等
Evaluation Management System Design for New Rocket Personnel Performance
120 脉冲放电等离子体烟气治理技术在燃气锅炉的应用研究…杜佳棋 丁泽坤 杨宣志 等
Application of Desulfurization and Denitration by Pulsed Corona Plasma in Gas Boiler
123 基于Hypermesh的氢燃料电池车身轻量化设计分析…刘清国 于蓬 王健 等
Lightweight Design and Analysis of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Body Based on Hypermesh
127 水平螺旋中物料运动的仿真分析…金星 刘青 姚强
Simulation Analysis of Material Movement in Horizontal Spiral
130 空冷汽轮机排汽管道支吊架系统的设计…毕雪 段森
Design of Air Cooled Turbine Discharge Piping Support and Hanger System
132 基于EXCEL的减速器设计计算软件的开发…杜海彬 张长军 张勇 等
Design and Calculation Software Development of Reducer Based on EXCEL
135 基于多模式全聚焦方法不同声束路径下的异型构件焊缝缺陷成像研究…毛月娟 李俊函 苗逢春 等
Research on Weld Defect Imaging of Special-shaped Components under Different Sound Beam Paths Based on Multi-mode Total Focusing Method
140 基于CAESARⅡ的排气系统管道热补偿设计…秦峥嵘 曹庆宇 徐升 等
Thermal Compensation Design of Exhaust Pipe Based on CAESARⅡ
143 石油钻机平移装置卡爪与滑轨失效分析…郭高垒 刘杰 刘双进
Failure Analysis on Claw and Slide of Rig Moving Device
146 智能卧式双筒喷雾机器人…陈祥 李传龙 刘昊 等
Intelligent Horizontal Double-cylinder Spraying Robot
149 CHJ新型水体悬浮垃圾清理船设计…于翠玉 马海洋 虞国强 等
Design of CHJ New Type Water Suspended Garbage Cleaning Ship
151 底封头落锤不合格问题研究…辛宇
Research on the Unqualified Problem of Bottom Head Drop Hammer
154 ANSI B92.1b美标渐开线花键配合侧隙及跨棒距计算…孙鹏
Calculation of Fit Backlash and Dimension over Two Pins of ANSI B92.1b American Standard Involute Spline
157 基于PowerMILL的鼎模型五轴数控加工…杨龙
Five-axis CNC Machining of Tripod Model Based on PowerMILL
160 一种PVT取样筒高压氮气泄压装置的开发应用…宋彬 王亮 梅少良 等
Development and Application of a High Pressure Nitrogen Pressure-relief Device for PVT Sampling Tube
162 某航空航天发动机精密内腔薄壁整体离心叶轮加工方法研究…刘广东 刘相岚
Research on the Machining Method of an Aerospace Engine Precision Inner Cavity Thin-walled Integral Centrifugal Impeller
165 提高镗床上深孔钻削加工效率的研究…刘永社
Study on Efficiency Improvement of Deep Hole Drilling in Boring Machine
167 基于万向柔性研磨技术的铝合金壁板自动去毛刺工艺技术研究…李洋 崔鑫 姚辉 等
Research on Automatic Deburring Technology of Alunininum Alloy Panels Based on Universal Flexible Grinding Technology
170 FANUC高精度振荡在车床上实现断屑功能的应用…冯星
Application of FANUC High-precision Oscillation to Realize Chip Breaking Function on Lathe

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